what was sparta's focus as a city state

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Web. The fighting engulfed virtually the entire Greek world, and it was properly regarded by Thucydides, whose contemporary account of it is considered to be among the world's finest . Indoctrination into this lifestyle began early. The focus of the education was very different in each city-state. From the Sphinx of Egypt to the Kama Sutra, explore ancient history videos. In part to attract mates, females engaged in athletic competitions, including javelin-throwing and wrestling, and also sang and danced competitively. No one soldier was considered superior to another. After briefly challenging Macedonian control in the 3rd century BCE and being besieged by Pyrrhus in 272 BCE, Sparta never regained her former glory and she was compelled to join the Achaean Confederacy in 195 BCE. Ch.5 Classical Greece Flashcards | Quizlet Along with the surrounding area, it forms the perifereiak entita (regional unit) of Laconia (Modern Greek: Lakona) within the Peloponnese (Pelopnnisos) perifreia (region). Sparta - National Geographic Society Like all Greeks, they would identify themselves as being from their city-state, in this case Sparta. Thucydides survived an attack of the plague and left a vivid account of its impact on Athenian morale. But it was a vital step toward being selected for one of the messes, the communal dining groups, and becoming a full-fledged Spartan citizen and soldier. Urged on by the demagogue Cleon, the Athenians voted to massacre the men of Mytilene and enslave everyone else, but they relented the next day and killed only the leaders of the revolt. But to make sure they learned cunning, boys who were caught stealing were whipped. Bibliography The goal of the agoge was the transformation of boys into Spartan soldiers whose loyalty was to the state and their brothers-in-arms, not their families. Instead, the Athenians used their navy to deliver troops into the Spartan territory to conduct raids on settlements. Hoplite Warrior, DodonaO.Mustafin (Public Domain). Cite This Work While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. National Geographic Headquarters 1145 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036. They would not intervene while the punishment was inflicted, but afterwards they would judge whether it was excessive or too lenient. The city of Sparta was also in constant rivalry with the other major Greek cities of Athens and Corinth and became involved in two protracted and hugely damaging conflicts, the Peloponnesian Wars of the mid- to late-5th century BCE and the Corinthian Wars of in the early 4th century BCE. Xenophon, a philosopher and historian who lived from the late 400s to mid-300s B.C., noted that one purpose was to keep them slim, which Lycurgus, the founder of the Spartan system, believed would make them grow taller. (17.2-3). Athens and Sparta had previously quarreled in the decades prior to the war. During this final period of the agoge, a man might marry but most did not until they graduated at the age of 30. The teenage boys who demonstrated the most leadership potential were selected for participation in the Crypteia, which acted as a secret police force whose primary goal was to terrorize the general Helot population and murder those who were troublemakers. Indeed, the Spartan king Menelaus instigated the war after the Trojan prince Paris abducted his wife Helen, offered to Paris by the goddess Aphrodite as a prize for choosing her in a beauty contest with fellow goddesses Athena and Hera.

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what was sparta's focus as a city state


what was sparta's focus as a city state
