what is a benefit of the frame narrative

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Instead, it seems that there is a vital and continuing world in the novel outside of Marlow's story; the sense is that the world has continued and will continue long after Marlow has passed from it. or, "What are some other possible reasons this could have happened?". A frame narrative is a story related by the narrator but in the In: Hofmann SG, Dozois D, eds. She believes that love is the most important thing in life and it should be celebrated every day. voice of another character. The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms . Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single entry from a reference work in OR for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice). An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Cole is a blog writer and aspiring novelist. Lisa Baird is a writer who teaches writing. A framing device can also be very helpful in setting the tone for a story. Single story framing involves only one inner story. A frame story is a companion text that introduces or emphasizes a second narrative to position the reader in the context of the happenings. Latest answer posted October 25, 2018 at 11:43:28 PM. Box 1328, Lancaster, PA 17608-1328, or email it to features . In narrative therapy, there is an emphasis on the stories that you develop and carry with you through your life. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Clark DA. This time he wants to leave a video for his best friend. Most of the story is narrated at a police station by Jamal, who explains how he knew the answers to each of the questions as the show is played back on video. companion piece to a narrative within a story, A story that contains another story within it. At the beginning of Heart of Darkness, an unnamed narrator listens to Marlow aboard a ship in calm waters on the Thames in England, far from Africa. [10], A typical frame story is One Thousand and One Nights, in which the character Shahrazad narrates a set of fairy tales to the Sultan Shahriyar over many nights.

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what is a benefit of the frame narrative


what is a benefit of the frame narrative
