pros and cons of making election day a national holiday

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It is very, very hard to change core American traditions which Americans see not only as propping up their democracy but perpetuating its legitimacy, he said. Push for the position and policies you support by writing US national senators and representatives. And so, this would actually make it even easier and validate businesses to give their employees the day off so that they can work the elections and serve as election workers.. Even people youd expect to know, like politicians, have been stumped by this very question. Elections Held on Tuesdays?, (accessed Sep. 30, 2019), Evan Andrews, "Election 1010: Why Do We Vote on a Tuesday in November?,, Aug. 31, 2018, Grace Panetta and Olivia Reaney, "Today Is National Voter Registration Day. While many countries hold national elections on holidays, Americans are at liberty to stay at home. South Korea and Israel hold theirs during the week, but have made the day a federal holiday. We are not a nation of civics nerds. In this pro the author says that if election day was a holiday it would make more people vote and that is a good thing. The types of workers least likely to reap the benefits of a federal holiday are those who already struggle to vote, Shineman noted. As the chart shows, presidential turnout corresponds with midterm turnout and in 2018, turnout skyrocketed from 36.7% four years previously to 49.6%. While these provisions represent major steps in the right direction, they are not enough. Governments are required to People of color and low-income Americans already face barriers to vote, and making Election Day a national holiday may not help them. See the pros and cons of declaring Election Day a holiday across the nation. To combat these efforts, lawmakers nationally have introduced HR1 (the John Lewis Act) and S1, which would enact a number of important provisions: improve ballot access, create nonpartisan redistricting commissions to reduce gerrymandering, provide automatic voter registration when people turn 18, allow at least 15 days of early voting,mandate that presidential candidates disclosure their federal tax returns, and require greater disclosure of so-called dark money campaign contributions. ], [Editors Note: The MLA citation style requires double spacing within entries. Funding by lobbyists is a big problem. Instead of having the names spelled out, voters would pick between Oje Diben and Noladd Rumpt.. [28][29], Patagonia, an outdoor clothing retailer, paused operation on Nov. 6, 2018 so that all employees could vote. Nations like Israel and South Korea make election day a national holiday and have voter turnout rates of 72.3% and 77.2% respectively, which is significantly higher than that of the US. [27], Companies including Abercrombie & Fitch Co., Farmers Insurance, Kaiser Permanente, Patagonia, and Walmart have joined Make Time to Vote campaign, which encourages employers to provide paid time off, schedule no meetings on Election Day, and give information on mail-in ballots and early voting.

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pros and cons of making election day a national holiday


pros and cons of making election day a national holiday
