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I am more than willing to use my platform to speak out against anti-transgender rhetoric and legislation. This journey has naturally led to the realization of how important it is to have voices within the community telling our stories instead of ones told about us. That minority is made up of white, evangelical Christians, and they believe it is their God-given responsibility to enforce their moral code on the entire nation. I have left them fatherless. I don't know if I can stay a man. At the age of 65, I knew I couldnt keep up the pretense much longer. I served 20 years in the Army, the last 16 in Special Forces. To truly examine the state of this countrys relations with its own transgender community or even to begin understanding the real-lived experiences of transgender people, we must first examine ourselves. Still contemplating how to live my authentic self. My wife would be like, 'You're super depressed,' and I'd go, 'I know, I'm super depressed, I don't know what to do about this.' I have effectively traded my white male privilege to become one of Americas most hated minorities. We were the perfect foil for the right wing Republicans who now have 196 anti-transgender bills pending in state legislatures. The church exists to celebrate the moments of our lives, and to join in common cause to produce the miraculous. TRANSGENDER: Shedding Light on the Issue Dividing our Nation Figuring out who I am, and living my life with integrity has been the grand challenge of my lifetime. The question I most often get is why would you join the military knowing the regulations on transgender service? Forty-one percent of transgender people will attempt suicide at some point in their lives. The evangelical circles she'd dedicated her life to as a man rejected her as a trans woman. My transgender immigrant journey is unique and not representative of all the struggles of our communities, but I hope to encourage everybody to aspire to a life of authenticity. Seriously? Some effects are not reversible. It is foreign to the world they inhabit. The church is messy. I am blessed. With the great wisdom you have gained, with so much experience. I wasn't born in the "wrong" body, but I still felt there was something off for years until I was nineteen. I always chuckle when I read impassioned commentary about gender presentation. Nicole likes Pentecost and the first weekend of October, when in the tradition of St. Francis, we bless everyones animals.

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