environmental impacts of tourism on the gold coast

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This includes the construction of buildings, marinas, roads etc. Schneekloth, L.H. One place that epitomises the challenges regarding development conflicts and place value in the City of Gold Coast is the Southport Spit. The process of constructing place meanings, values and attachments is the result of a multitude of influences and factors (Dovey, 1999; Creswell, 2004; Massey, 1994; Carter, Dyer and Sharma, 2007; Vanclay, Higgins and Blackshaw, 2008). In last years budget, the Queensland Government announced $33.5 million additional funding for tourism over four years to attract new visitors from Asia. From the great sandy dunes of South Stradbroke Island to the rocky shore at Burleigh Headland, to the coastal wetlands of. Marx, K. (1959). Beach sieving is conducted 365 days per year, with approximately 64 acres of sand sieved per night. Governance arrangements and the coastal zone in The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia (2009), Report: Managing our coastal zone in a changing climate. How the Gold Coast games transformed a resort region into a city This can contribute to severe local air pollution. Making Sense of Place: Exploring concepts and expressions of place through different senses and lenses, Canberra, National Museum of Australia. Stay at Towers of Chevron Renaissance from $150 pn! Griffin, G. (2002). The La Nia climate brought with it heavy rainfall and flooding events. Positive environmental impacts can also be induced through the NEED for the environment. The intent of this Paper was to produce an integrated and coordinated land use and management plan for the Gold Coast Broadwater (Whelan, 2006). Gordon Holden (2011) writes: While having a strong sense of place may be seen as a lower priority than safe drinking water or sewerage systems for the health of a city it is widely accepted that a holistic approach to city planning includes encouraging a recognisable sense of place. Noise pollution from aircraft, cars, buses, (+ snowmobiles and jet skis etc etc)can cause annoyance, stress, and even hearing loss for humans. 20The SOSAs objections to the state governments development proposal were founded on five key points. Social impacts of tourism on the Gold Coast - ResearchGate The Gold Coast in Australia is one of these coastal places, which developed through taking advantage of its environmental assets, such as direct access to the sea, a white sandy shoreline, an extensive and naturally protected broadwater and several large accessible rivers. Artistic impression of the Cruise Ship Terminal, Credits: extracted from the Gold Coast Integrated Resort Master plan Report, p60. Tourism and Environment | Annual Review of Environment and Resources As a result, by the 1980s the Broadwater and the Spit were secured by the construction of groins, channel dredging and a sand bypass system.

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environmental impacts of tourism on the gold coast


environmental impacts of tourism on the gold coast
